Patch History
Patch Notes for Feb 17, 2025
- Fixed a bug that was preventing repeatable quests from restarting in certain cases. (Specifically Celandra)
Patch Notes for Dec 15, 2024
- Fixed the Beat the Arcade Quest Level 21-40
- Added Captcha to the Registration Page
Patch Notes for Oct 27, 2024
- If equipment other than Turbo Thrusters have Maximum Turbo Velocity, it is now correctly applied to the ship.
- Added Max Turbo Velocity to the Ship Stats Details screen (From the Stat Details button at the Shipyard)
Patch Notes for Oct 5, 2024
- Fixed a bug that was blocking Celandra's daily quest from showing in certain instances.
- Added a new daily quest from Celia's Manufacturing Tab.
- Added Buy and Sell 10,000 option to Bentley Station Headquarters
Patch Notes for May 20, 2024
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the Collection of items at Bentley Station Shipyard if you already had the same item but with an enhancement in your storeroom.
- Fixed a bug where the random number generator would eventually run out of random numbers.
Patch Notes for February 19, 2024
- Troops were dying when dropped off on asteroids due to extreme temperatures in space and a lack of an atmosphere and life support. Troops will no longer get off (and die) on asteroids.
- Fixed a bug where you would be unable to create buildings on Celia even though you had the credits to do so.
- Provided feedback when placing buildings on Celia. If you are unable to place it, it now shows you the reason.
- Added Befarian Warp Portal tabs to conquered Befarian Outposts that allow the player to enable and disable the portal, allowing Befarian ships to attack the Outpost when enabled.
- Mine Layers now spawn at higher level Befarian Outposts.
Patch Notes for January 31, 2024
- Enhancement cost rebalancing. The costs for enhancements have been reworked to try and make it affordable to remove and reuse enhancements but also make it expensive enough that you might not want to intentionally put enhancements on a level 1 item just to move it to a higher level item. The cost of moving a level 1 enhancement to a high level item will roughly be around 25-50 times the cost of simply putting a single enhancement on a high level item. The closer the items are (the more similar the main stats are) the less it will cost to move the enhancement.
Patch Notes for January 21, 2024
- Removing enhancements was meant to allow you to take your enhancement with you when you upgraded equipment. It wasn't meant as a mechanism where someone could cheaply get enhancements on a level 1 beginner equipment and then transfer them to higher level equipment. To prevent this, the resource cost to put an old enchantment on a new item now increased depending on how different those items are. Wider level gaps now cost more as does moving it from lower tier equipment like a Phaser to higher level equipment like a Disruptor.
- The original Item Type and level are now displayed on the popup info window for Enhancements to give you a feel of how costly it will be to apply that enhancement to new equipment.
- When the game is paused (settings window is open) the Arcade timer no longer counts down.
- You can no longer warp when the game is paused.
- Fixed some bugs with how loot was displayed (or not displayed) properly on minimap when it was significantly out of range of player's ship.'
- On the map window, Planets and Outposts now appear on top of the ships, making them both easier to see and easier to click on for tracking.
- Fixed a bug on the military tab that was showing wrong information for how many troops could fit in a players inventory under some conditions.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the game to lockup when first introduced to an Amma ship.
Patch Notes for January 10, 2024
- Loot is now more visible on the minimap again.
- Troops casualties now happen a lot faster at the higher level outposts.
Patch Notes for January 7, 2024
- Global chat now correctly shows old messages.
Patch Notes for January 4, 2024
- Aluminum Tantalum Batteries have been improved to scale better compared to the 1st generation batteries.
- Carbon Nanotube Power Supplies have also been given a boost.
- Fixed several performance issues that were most noticable when taking the higher level Befarian Outposts.
- Scrap Collectors are much better at their job now.
- Changed 'Select Item to Load' screens so they can handle more items without cutting off the close button.
- Reduced the cost of Titan Missiles.
- Fixed a bug where Armor, Power and Power Regeneration weren't displaying the correct value for 'with all bonuses' on the item's tooltip.
- Fixed a bug where it was redirecting the user to the "Error" screen even though no real error had happened.
Patch Notes for December 13, 2023
- IMPORTANT CHANGE... Action may be required to avoid a crash in Celia's population.
Apartments and farms require road access to build them. There is a bug where if you delete the road after placing the building, it will continue to operate properly. This is going to change soon and any buildings without a road will no longer function. You will want to make sure these buildings have road access.
So, here is the change for this release: When you destroy buildings on Celia, you are now refunded the credits that it cost to build it. This is to help you rebuild if you are a road destroyer.
- Fixed a bug where the game would lock up if you collided with another ship and that collision caused your death.
- Adjusted the scroll rate in the Chat Window when scrolling with a mouse wheel.
- Fixed a bug where Befarian would continue to spawn after exiting the game and when you came back, there would be hundreds of them there waiting.
Patch Notes for December 11, 2023
- Finished an unfinished questline that was unlocked after defeating Befarian Outpost 13 (just in time before anyone got there).
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if you had weapons in the generic ship slots under certain conditions.
- The chat window now shows the last 50 messages that were written when it is opened.
- Shipyard tab now displays power used per second by a weapon on continuous fire instead of power cost per use.
- Fixed the alignment for gems in the marketplace.
- Changed the layout on the homepage so that tournament results and other lists are now listed on the left and listed before the patch notes on mobile.
- Tractor beams should work on Befarian ships now.
Patch Notes for November 19, 2023
- Fixed a bug where the Befarian and Terran troops weren't fighting it out
- Fixed a bug that was preventing Aluminum Tantalum Battery Research
- Fixed a bug where it was missing a quest after taking over Befarian Outpost 3. If you already have Outpost 3, you should get the quest now.
- Added General Chat (click icon in bottom left corner)
- Fixed a bug that was causing the quest dialog to redraw itself between certain quest steps.
- Fixed a bug where the research window was not updating when items in inventory were added/removed.
- Now if you cancel Research Nanobots on the Laboratory Tab, it can come up again.
- The game now allows you to sell and recycle equipment even if you needed it for a quest. If you do this, ask for help in General Chat and hope someone will make another for you.
- Once inventory was full, you couldn't loot new items until you landed somewhere. This didn't clear when you combined items that freed up inventory slots. This has been fixed.
Patch Notes for November 9, 2023
- The home screen was incorrectly calculating the combat power of Special Ops. This is now fixed.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing some quests from being turned in. This was only seen in test as far as I know.
Patch Notes for October 15, 2023
This is by far our biggest release yet. It might be easier to ask what hasn't changed. So much has changed we aren't going to list it all but here are some highlights
- You can now get a quest to take over Befarian Outposts.
- In the process of taking over Befarian Outposts you will encounter new quests, new achievements, new equipment, new ways to enhance equipment, new enemy ship types. To avoid spoilers, no details will be listed here.
- Recycling items now gives a chance for blueprints per level of item recycled. If you recycle level 30 Steel Plate, you will have the same odds of getting blueprints as if you crafted and recycled 30 level 1 Steel Plate. Because of this the crafting price has also changed. Creating level 30 Steel Plate will cost the same as crafting level 1 Steel plate 30 times. You will no longer have to craft and recycle hundreds of level 1 items for blueprints and when you replace and recycle old equipment, you will get more blueprints from it. The trade off is creating equipment is now more expensive as it is the price of a level 1 * the level.
- Lots of performance improvements.
- Better ship statistic reporting.
- New advanced fleet controls.
Patch Notes for Nov 20, 2022
- Fixed a bug where the result of arcade games were getting recorded twice.
Patch Notes for Nov 10, 2022
- Made a change to the last patch with asteroid mining. Now when it requires you to have played in the last week for the miners to continue mining... but the amount left on the asteroid is unimportant. So this will now only affect inactive players.
- Changed the manufacturing screen so the background of the items made now matches the border color for the same ship slot type. It was confusing when equipping new ships to remember what items would potentially fit in each slot.
- Changed the ship slot color for Nanobot Repair Modules. It was a purple that was way too close to the Power Supply Color. Now it's a dark green (green because armor is also green and nanobots fix armor - it should be dark enough to easily tell the difference between Nanobots and Armor)
- Fixed a bug in Firefox where it would ignore key input after withdrawing from a storage room or asteroid.
Arcade Changes
- Kills in Arcade mode now count towards quests and you get experience for them towards leveling. Quests, the Experience Bar, Achievements and Research windows are now available in Arcade mode.
- Shooting Martyrs instead of colliding with them now gives triple points and they drop a 1% buff to Shields, Power, Health or Damage for the remainder of the Arcade run.
- Duration of the current level is now listed.
- New Arcade tab in the Achievement Window with all new achievements. You do not get credit for achievements already accomplished. You'll have to do it again. Sorry!
Patch Notes for Nov 2, 2022
- Fixed a bug where typing in the search input of the market would make you leave the planet if that key was also bound to movement or a weapon.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing people from completing the quest that trades Steel for Platinum.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the game to sometimes load slowly, especially if you haven't logged on in a while.
- Made a change to asteroids so that after the inventory of ore gets higher than what all the miners on the asteroid can mine in a week, they quit mining. If you don't regularly pick up your ore, it will no longer accumulate forever.
- Made a change to the cast indicators to display better if you have weapons bound to arrow keys. It now shows an arrow, instead of ARROWLEFT, ARROWRIGHT, etc, which where overlapping each other.
Patch Notes for Oct 8, 2022
- Fixed a bug with 'Fastest Arcade Time By Level' where it was always updating your level time when you played arcade. This resulted in the data being your last level time instead of your fastest level time.
Patch Notes for May 11, 2022
- Fixed a bug where the Bentley Station Shipyard quest fails and leaves the quest in a state where you can't progress past it. (If the station blows up after you get it to the destination.)'
- Changed requirement on a repeatable quest from killing 10,000 Befarians to a mere 5,000
Patch Notes for April 2, 2022
- You can now shorten the build time of items at Bentley Station Shipyard with Black Diamonds.
- You can now click on Players names on the main screen under 'Most Achievements Earned' to view their achievements.
- A lot of progress has been made on Befarian Outposts. Taking over these station will be possible in the near future.
Patch Notes for Mar 14, 2022
- Fixed a bug where removing a weapon and leaving an empty slot on a hotkeyed slot would cause the game to lock up.
Patch Notes for Mar 6, 2022
- Fixed a bug where Black Diamonds were not being collected properly when sent in the mail as tournament rewards.
Patch Notes for Feb 24, 2022
- Black Diamonds are now available for purchase by clicking the diamond in the top left.
- Fighter Blueprints now require that you have Bentley Station Shipyard Manufacturing unlocked.
- Doubling clicking items in your inventory while the Sell Market tab is open will now automatically move that item to the sell slot.
Patch Notes for Feb 22, 2022
- Added a new currency, Black Diamonds that can be used to buy items from the store. The store is accessed through the cart icon in the bottom right. Black Diamonds can be purchased with real money by clicking on the Diamond in the top left, and enemy ships can drop them.
- Changed the price Fighter Blueprints when buying them with Silicon or Copper to better reflect market prices.
- Edward Manning's repeatable quests will now accept items that are higher level than the item he asked for.
- Fixed bug where Quantity/Level +/- buttons could get stuck while holding them down.
- Adjusted Mothership armor, shields and shield regen so it now scales up more slowly at higher levels. At higher levels you should no longer run into the issue where you can handle all the other ship types but just can't wear down a mothership at all.'
- Tractor Beams now consume power while in use.
Patch Notes for Jan 23, 2022
- Recalculated the level difficulty of repeatable quests to reflect the new difficulty of higher levels and Attendants/Mine Layers. And updated the green/yellow/red difficulty colors to better reflect this.
- Fixed various memory leak issues and performance issues.
- Reduced the speed that a Mine Layer can lay mines and reduced Mine Shrapnel damage.
- Increased repair rate on Repair Nanobots.
- 3d Circuit Boards and MgB2 Super Conductors now show level information and stack sizes on their icon (and in the popup).
- Marketplace tabs now show level and stacksizes (if stackable) on their icons.
- Fixed a bug with the Level to 40 achievement that was requiring you to hit level 50 before it would trigger.
- Motherships missiles broke in the last release and wouldn't target ships. It's been fixed and the timer has been increased and is now displayed by the motherships name so you know when to expect it.
- Increased Martyr damage for Martyr higher than level 5. At higher levels they didn't scale very well and were no longer much of a threat.
Patch Notes for Jan 7, 2022
- New quests and other content. (No spoilers)
- Storeroom Available and Reserved Quantities have been merged into a single Quantity. Having separate quantities just didn't add anything and it was confusing.
- Reduced the cost to build Guided Missiles and Tractor Beams.
- Increased Guided Missile speed, and a bunch of other Guided Missile Suprises
- Added UI and button sounds.
Patch Notes for Dec 17, 2021
- If you have not already learned your first blueprint for an item, recycling that item can no longer drop blueprints.
Patch Notes for Dec 12, 2021
- Fixed a bug where loot would stop being added to inventory (I think anyway).
Patch Notes for Nov 25, 2021
- Edward Manning opened his resource trading post on Bentley Station.
- Added Molybdenum Steel Plating.
- Fixed a bug where motherships run away and never come back.
Patch Notes for Nov 20, 2021
- Reduced the amount of steel needed in daily steel swap quests and reduced the level requirement for Edward Mannings daily items quests (it now goes up a level every 5 times turned in instead of every turn in and maxes out at level 10 instead of level 20).
- Fixed animation issues with the Bentley Shipyard quest.
Patch Notes for Nov 19, 2021
- Fixed an issue where the Power Regeneration Research was only giving 1% instead of 2%.
Patch Notes for Nov 16, 2021
- New quests, achievements and equipment added.
- Added level indicators to items in the storeroom.
- Fixed a bug where manufacturing multiple items at the same time would only apply the circuit board / super conductor bonuses to the first item.
- Fixed a bug where manufacturing while having different level circuit boards / super conductors in the the storeroom would use up items from both stacks.
- Fixed some stability issues while populating areas with Befarian.
Patch Notes for Nov 5, 2021
- Fixed a bug where it was not showing the correct amount of blueprints to level.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the game from loading in Firefox.
- Added some items to FAQ.
Patch Notes for Nov 1, 2021
- Added new Research options in two new tabs.
- Changed Circuit Boards and Super Conductors so they don't get as expensive when they level. Because of the number of these that can be involved in higher level items, the cost was excessive.'.
- Updated the FAQ to give a better explanation of the "Level Up Chance" on Circuit Boards and Super Conductors.
Patch Notes for Oct 29, 2021
- Planets and Asteroids added.
- New Quests for unlocking the added features and items.
- Storerooms added.
- Achievements added.
- Research system added for improving ship abilities.
- The level of Befarians now increases the closer you are to a Befarian Outpost with higher level outposts the furthest from Celia.
- Added Player levels that are required for equip higher level equipment. For existing accounts, your current level will be set as a function of the equipment on your ship.
- Added asteroid mining and the ability to command a fleet of ships.
- Added the ability to warp to more places than just Celia after finishing a quest.
- Fixed a bug where opening mail with over 1000 items would all fit in one inventory slot.
- Fixed a bug where sellers wouldn't get paid when selling things on the market.
- Motherships now have more health and shields at higher levels.
- Bentley Station's Shipyard now allows you to swap out equipment. (It was broken)
- Performance Improvements to do with collision and proximity detection.
- Added ability to pilot ships other than the starting ship.
- Item popup stats boxes now will always be on top of other windows.
- If you have the recycle tab open and double click and item in the inventory, it will now move that item to the recycle slot without having to drag/drop it.
- The recycle tab now has multiple slots. Shift double clicking on an item will move all items of that type to the recycle tab.
- Circuit Boards and Super Conductors now give appropriate bonuses to improve items that use them as components.
- Rewards for repeatable quests have been increased with level difficulty.
- Items now show their level in the top left corner of the icon.
- Universe map window now auto adjusts it's opacity when under attack to see enemies better in map mode.
- Item popups now have a lot more information.
- Performance optimizations.
- Numerous bug fixes and refinements.
Patch Notes for March 29, 2021
The Befarian have been working on some new ships and strategies.
- Added Game Controller Support
- A settings menu was added with the ability to adjust sound effects and music volume.
- You can now customize hotkeys from the settings window (bottom right hand corner).
- Added the ability to fire two weapons with one key by binding to the same key. The firing will be staggered with each shot evenly spaced through the cooldown timer if holding the key for auto-fire.
- Zoomed out 10% to see a little better.
- Reworked the rate that all equipment scales with level and adjusted how enemy stats increase with level.
- Strafing now works while at full speed using turbo.
- Added cast indicators at bottom center.
- Added Rewards at the end of arcade runs to make up for no loot during the run.
Patch Notes for February 20, 2021
- Richard Checker has noticed that the mechanism for firing two lasers is not well explained and has decided to clarify it.
- Changed shooting graphics to see bullets separately when 2 weapons are fired.
- Higher level players have been picking on low level Befarians and getting credit for it in repeatable quests. The quest now adjusts to your skill levels.
- Fixed a bug where recycling objects would only return 1 of an item. This should be much more rare now. Also the high end for what is returned has been reduced. The changes should more or less balance each other out but result in more consistent results.
- Fixed a bug where hotkeys weren't being updated until the browser was refreshed. This was forcing a browser refresh to use the tractor beam after equipped.
Patch Notes for February 15, 2021
- Circuit Boards and Super Conductors that are level 2 or higher now have a chance to increase the item level of the final product. Before this change there wasn't really any reason to learn or use higher levels of Circuit Boards or Super Conductors.
- Added a frequently asked questions page. If you have a question you want added let us know at [email protected] or on our Facebook page
- Inventory position and Map zoom level will no longer be reset when you close those windows.
- Circuit Boards and Super Conductors are now recyclable.
- Recycling Scrap Metal will now result in Steel less often and yield Aluminum and Titanium more often.
- Recycling now gives you details on what was received.
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash while warping.